DigitTwin Assets  


Here’s a list of all the assets that we can provide to you after creating your digital twin.

AEC (architecture, engineering or construction) customers can order the ArchiPak Bundle and E57 file.

2D Snapshots

  • Take simple, flat 2D Snapshots from your DigitTwin.
  • Take as many 2D Snapshots as you like and use them for both print and digital.
  • Download your 2D Snapshots as JPG files. 

360º Photosphere

  • Download as many snapshots of 360º images from the DigitTwin Space as you like.
  • A 360º photosphere is the spherical, panorama imagery that you see in 3D Showcase – a snapshot of the 360 views. Note that this is a snapshot only, not the captured 360 view as it was taken.
  • Open with a specific tool for editing and viewing 360º images, such as Pano2VR.
  • Upload to social media such as Facebook or Instagram.

Teaser Videos

  • Get an MP4 or GIF that shows a quick preview of the space.
  • Upload the teaser to social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • You can also create your own video walkthroughs of the space. 

Black & White Schematic Floor Plans

  • Schematic Floor Plans are a great way to see an entire space at a glance.
  • They’re great for people who want a more traditional, top-down view.
  • Delivery within two business days.

OBJ File – ArchiPak Bundle

  • ArchiPak combines 3D depth data with 2D visual data to create a textured 3D mesh that is the OBJ file. We sample the OBJ file to create the Dollhouse View in 3D Showcase.
  • An OBJ file is not necessary for most users. 3D developers and VR enthusiasts can use the OBJ file to kickstart their projects with a 3D model of a real-world place.
  • Our OBJ files have a scale of 1 unit = 1 meter. You may need to update the scale in your 3D software or rescale the model after loading.
  • Could be opened in programs such as MeshLab and Maya. For importing assistance, please contact the specific 3D program’s support team.

Point Clouds – ArchiPak Bundle

  • For architecture, engineering, and construction customers. Learn more..
  • Fully automatic point cloud registration of all sweeps (scan positions).
  • Colorized based on the 360º panorama imagery and accurate to within 1% of reality.
  • Could be opened in Recap, Revit, or AutoCAD and jump-start your as-built designs. For importing assistance, please contact the specific 3D program’s support team.

High-Resolution Floor Plan Image – ArchiPak Bundle

  • For architecture, engineering, and construction customers. Learn more.
  • Get a quick top-down view of the job site and everything inside it.
  • Use in AutoCAD as a tracing element.
  • Could be opened in 3ds Max, Maya, or other 3D software.
  • The floor plan is just a unique, orthogonal view of the 3D mesh. Make your own views/slices of the 3D mesh by manipulating the OBJ file yourself.
  • For importing assistance, please contact the specific 3D program’s support team.

Reflected Ceiling Plan Image – ArchiPak Bundle

  • For architecture, engineering, and construction customers. Learn more.
  • Same as the high resolution floor plans, but a quick vertical view of everything on the ceiling.
  • See ventilation shafts, wiring, plumbing, insulation, and more.
    • For importing assistance, please contact the specific 3D program’s support team.

Point Clouds – E57 File

  • For architecture, engineering, and construction customers. Learn more .
  • High-density point cloud for all scan locations in the Digital Twin.
  • Approximately 20x the detail derived from a ArchiPak.
  • Vendor-neutral point cloud format that’s widely adopted by most 3D design applications.